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Our people work from a space of love and kindness, which means calling you out on your shit, when it is helpful to what is emerging.  

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On The Presence of Invisible Leadership in organizations

“Invisible leadership embodies situations in which dedication to a compelling and deeply helped common purpose is the motivating force for leadership.”

– Drs. Georgia Sorenson & Gill Hickman, 2020.

On the Consultant's Task:

“To do this work requires courage, commitment, and competence, but above all, it requires love.  Working with groups is based on the ancient Greek concept of agape.  Love for humanity is the source of the group-taker’s courage.” 

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Dr. Leroy Wells,
author of Group-As-A-Whole

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Development of Authentic Praxis:

Concrete action becomes necessary to overcome limiting, political, cultural, social, and economic situations that are obstacles to becoming fully human.” - Dr. John L. Johnson


Diplomate of Process Psychology and Group Relations Fellow.

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